Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Well, following the advice of M from the munch I attended, I've connected to an irc chatroom populated by locals.  Is MIRC an obtuse piece of software, or am I just being difficult?  It is probably largely my own fault; I didn't bother to look for detailed instructions and just plunged in.

Still, all anthropologist like, I have made first contact.  My previous experience from other chats has well prepared me for the complete lack of wonder and mystery; people are people, wherever you go.  They have simple, commonsense rules: Don't use real names, don't bug people with private messages, the chatroom is not a pickup bar.  I'm not quite sure I understand the rule about the Goat, though...

Still, I have been told the chatroom becomes quite lively in the evening, so I must try again later.  Here's hoping progress continues.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Kinky Ambition

I am a pervert.  Or, if you prefer, a deviant.  I enjoy wearing clothes made of leather, plastic, rubber and metal.  I like costumes and uniforms.  The idea of being restrained or restraining someone else for sexual purposes is exciting.  I'm also socially anxious and rather a coward.  This latter makes satisfying the former problematic.

As part of my plan to drag myself to a position where I have some self-respect, I've made contact with other self-described Deviants in my city.  The first contact, at a casual pub-evening, was reassuringly normal.  I got along well enough with the few people I managed to have conversations with.  This is a good sign.  Having had such a good first impression of the 'kink community', I plan to continue to approach it.  The event I attended is a regularly scheduled monthly activity, and there are other groups that gather at different times.  On top of this, I've been pointed towards an online forum where many of these folks gather and chat.  The emboldening false-anonymity of the computer monitor may be the key to my stretching my comfort level.  It is certainly an experiment worth trying.  My mantra in this whole category of relationships has become 'if I wish to be found, I must search'.

I'll keep this blog informed about how things are playing out.

Brain dump

This is the blog I've created for ideas and writings I'm not comfortable placing in my other blog, which is mostly to chronicle my writing and self-advancement.  This one will mostly contain discussion about odd current events, pop culture, gaming and my perverse tastes.

It exists to shadow and complement my main blog, and to support my 'write every day' plan.  I may not always have something serious to say, but I have to say something.  And no day goes by when _nothing_ happens to me.